Canchupati Venkatrao Venkaswami Rao was born on 4th August 1868; Tuesday at 10:20 A.M. in Dhanishta Star Second Quarter in Kanya Lagnam at Ammal satram, Kumbakonam, Tamilanadu, India.
Just as a king knows by disguise enquiry in his kingdom and rectify systems, The Highest Absolute, the Creator came into his creation to know the defects in creation and rectify, to serve the very purpose of creation, creating perfect divine eternal beings, rectifying shortfalls and improving to further development to perfection and bestowed upon us “Bhrukta Rahita Taraka Rajayoga” also known as “Satya Yoga”
Bhruktha means hidden. Hidden means previous birth karmic effects. Rahita means Eradication / Evaporation Taraka means Superior Rajayoga means one need not leave family life (need not be a Sanyasi)
Founded by Sri RSP Sasty garu in 2002 in Hyderabad. This Center is established with the sole aim of providing a place of Sadhana and regular prayers; and relief/treatment to all sincere yoga Sadhakas for assisting day-to-day prayers, development activities; and to provide guidance for timely development and continuation of uninterrupted practice, as per Masters guidelines and directions; and of direct mediums and senior practitioners; and also direct experiences and guidance as felt in truth, word and deed.